Monday, March 23, 2015

Kaysons Education:Diet Chart for IIT JEE Mains

Kaysons Education:Exam Diet
Kaysons Education provides some tips for your proper diet during your examination.During exams, students spend long hours studying and staying awake. Intake of the right  food in small quantities with brain food will keep them stimulated and alert. During exams a little modification in eating habits is needed.

Nutrition tips to keep you alert while studying,

To keep your blood sugar and energy levels steady eat small, frequent meals. Now it is the time to have easy, convenient meal-type foods.

Avoid snack foods and try to use meals, it will keep you energetic.

Avoid sweets and sugary foods.

If you crave sweets, consider a high protein nutrition bar instead of a candy bar. Read the nutrition facts label carefully.

Choose meals and snacks that emphasize protein over carbohydrate. Protein rich meals and snacks keep your energy on an even keel.

Top your pasta with grilled chicken strips rather than have pasta and sauce alone.

Alright, it isn’t technically a food but I think it’s only fair to say that coffee gets me through the toughest of exams.

Avoid stomach churning energy drinks, and go for a cup of coffee instead even the smell will make you feel more awake.

And while drinking too much coffee is certainly bad for you, research has also shown that a few cups a day can actually be beneficial.

Drink water as much as you can take. Keep a cup and a liter of ice water at your desk to help maintain your energy.

Consume at least that amount of water for every two hours of studying. Avoiding extra, exam-time calories make yourself get up to snack.

Don’t bring the snacks to your study place. Eat snacks in the kitchen or another part of your room, away from the desk.

Make sure your room is stocked with healthier snacks.

Include nuts, raisins, cheese sticks, low-fat milk, crunchy fresh fruits and veggies ,herbal teas, etc in your diet.

Remember that thirst can be decrease with hunger. Try drinking a glass of water or a cup of hot herbal tea if you are unsure of the origins of your hunger. Use non-food stress busters to cope with the tensions of exam time, instead of eating. Only eat when you are physically hungry, not because you are in need of a study break.

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